April 2022

True Hearing & Seeing – Mark 7:31-8:26

Clean & Unclean – Mark 7:1-30

March 2022

The Ministry of the 12 – Mark 6:6-56

Disease & Death – Mark 5:21-6:6

Our Most Important Earthly Relationship – Tim Simon – 1 Thessalonians 2:17-3:13

The Lord of the Natural & Spiritual – Mark 4:35-5:20

February 2022

Parables – Mark 4:1-34

Family Ties – Mark 3:13-35

Protect One Another, Protect Yourself & Do Not Lose Heart In Doing Good – Galatians 6:1-10

Forgiveness of Sin – Mark 2:1-3:12

January 2022

The Time is Fulfilled – Mark 1:14-45

Authentic Leadership – Titus 1

The Son of God – Mark 1:1-13

Psalm 23 – The Lord is a Shepherd & Host

January 2nd Devotional – Rom 8 & 2 Cor. 4