June 2020

An Unimaginable Witness

Acts 9:1-31

Water in the Desert

Acts 8:26-40

May 2020

The Witness Expanded

Acts 8:4-25

The Cost of Being Witnesses

Acts 6:8-8:3

Witness Strengthened

Acts 6:1-7

The Witness of Suffering

Acts 5:12-42

The Witness of Unity Threatened

Acts 4:32-5:11

April 2020

The First Persecution

Acts 4:1-31

Witnesses in Works and Word

Acts 3:1-26

Death Defeated – Life Restored

1 Corinthians 15:20-26

Amazing Grace

Acts 2:14-47

March 2020

Moving Forward

Friendship With the World or With God

James 4:1-10

Power for Proclamation

Acts 2:1-13

February 2020

Setting the Course for the Church

Acts 1:12-26